Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 15 post 3

It's so weird to be a junior in college and to not be 21. I have always hated having such a late birthday because it seems like I'm always watching my friends do fun stuff and I still have to wait months for my turn. Like when I was 15 my sophomore year of high school and all my friends had their licenses and I had to wait all year to get mine which really sucked! Now that it is coming closer to July I'm not really that excited to turn 21 because I feel like once I turn 21 I will have no other birthday to look forward to. So these past couple months are really contradicting to me!

Week 15 post 2

I really am in summer mood right now! I work so hard in the early part of the semester and then all of the breaks start happening and then I just can't get my head back in to school mode. I never fail classes because of it but I have definitely dropped a letter grade in the previous years due to this. I'm sure it happens to every kid but it is such a hard slump to get out of once you fall victim to the end of the year slump!

Week 15 post 1

I'm really happy for Carson Wentz, but I feel like his fate in the NFL is going to impact how the public views NDSU as a school all around. Which I think is completely unfair for every student that goes here, all the other players, and every person that is affiliated with NDSU. I definitely will not let people judge me or the legitimacy of my degree because of one person's football skills. I am very happy for him, but he's not the face of NDSU to me.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 12 #3

I believe that social media has so many positive and negative gains for my generation and for the future of all the world! I like how it enables for every single person that has internet access to be able to voice their opinion and express their freedom of speech! That is a huge positive of social media and so is connecting with family members and old friends that we aren't lucky enough to see as much as we want! I personally believe that the popularity of social media has changed the true meaning of it seeing it first person as a young millennial. I have seen some really embarrassing, provocative, gruesome, and meaningless subject matters on social media. It really frightens me to see some certain peoples opinions and how negative they can bee with only one goal, and that is to hurt other people. Social media is not meant for people to be rude to each other and slowly but surely that is what is happening in the social media world!

Week 12 #2

It is very funny to think how much a college degree really costs achieving. I do not believe in free education concerning college, but why must it be so damn expensive? With 15,000 plus students that attend bigger colleges you would think that big colleges could at least lower their tuition rates and extra fees a bit. I can see that with these un real rates the campus gets to do renovations and new buildings, but is that really necessary? I assume colleges profit yearly pretty decently, so it would just seem like a decent thing to do to lower tuition, but I guess I really do not know that much because I have a pretty biased view on it. I am sure teachers, staff, deans, etc have very different view points! It is just a very hot topic, and very relevant!

Week 12 Post#1

I am very excited for summer to start but I know that it is going to be a very long summer consisting of very long days of hard labor. I plan on working a road construction or any sort of hard labor job that works over 40 hours a week so I can make more money (overtime). I really want to make a lot of money so I can pay back some money towards my student loans, before my grace period ends. I really do not want to pay off student loans for 10 plus years while paying other bills, because it will get very aggravating and annoying!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 8 post #3

I think that this election will forever be the most controversial election in history. A lot of people only have negative things to say about every candidate, but the sad thing is most of these people really don't know anything about politics. Social media misleads many people in the wrong way about each candidate, and it is a very sad and unpromising thing to see about the people that live in this country. I see so many posts daily about fake or misleading posts about these individuals and I feel bad for them because it takes a lot to run for this country and people now days just believe that you need money to run, but that is pretty false. Most of the candidates are much more smarter than a good portion of this country and they truly want the best for this country but people are so negative and have such bad views and interpretations about these candidates. How is it even possible to hate someone so much that you don't even personally know. I really wish that people would actually pay attention to what they have to say and listen to politics instead of being so critical about every single thing these candidates have to say.